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Labour Unveils Plan To Power Up Britain

Labour unveils plan to 'power up Britain'

Keir Starmer sets out five-point plan for long-term growth

Labour has unveiled a long-term plan to "power up Britain", with a focus on driving economic growth, tackling inequality, and providing better public services.

Five key points

The plan, outlined in a new campaign document entitled "Power and Partnership: Labour's Plan to Power Up Britain", sets out five key priorities:

  1. Invest in education and skills
  2. Give businesses the tools they need to grow and create jobs
  3. Build a more sustainable and resilient economy
  4. Create a fairer society
  5. Give people the security they need to thrive


Labour is proposing a number of policies to fund its plan, including a new tax on private school fees. The party says that the tax would raise £1.7 billion a year, which would be used to pay for state school teachers.


The plan has been welcomed by some, but criticized by others. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) said that the plan "sets out a clear vision for the future of the UK economy". However, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said that the plan "lacks detail and is unlikely to be achievable".
